Because Zincă & Zidaru is based on values that have made us and our clients look at law-practice in a different way.  

We are a team of attorneys that complement each other, and this allows us to bring FLEXIBILITY to our relationship with the clients and also to the manner in which we practice law. Together, we are able to combine professional and personal attributes to achieve the ideal combination of PROFESSIONALISM, elegance and dynamism that makes us treat our clients' problems as if they were ours. 

We want to offer our clients a high degree of ADAPTABILITY, that is why we have professional experience and a thorough training in different areas of the Law. This way, we manage to understand their requirements and offer them personalized support according to their problems and the typology of their opponents. 

Last but not least, because we approach each case and every situation with ENTUZIASM and attention, not only to reach the desired result, but to overcome it. We understand that the foundation of this goal is training, so we are constantly attending specialization programs and have a broad picture of the human, social and economic context. In this way, we manage to exceed our limits and reach a new level of CREATIVITY each time.  

© 2019 Zinca & Zidaru